Celebrating #nationalauthorsday

Today, on National Author's Day, I've been reflecting on my journey to becoming a published author. 

The below video clip is a segment taken from the virtual launch party for Good to Grow in which I share the story of what led me to write the book. I also shared some of the beliefs I had to shift in order to write the book I believe I was meant to write. 

And I'm sure glad I did! Since releasing the book just over one month ago,  Good to Grow became a #1 best-seller in six categories on Amazon including Self-Employment, Entrepreneurship and Women & Business! 

More importantly, I've been hearing from readers about how helpful they have found reading the book.

If you also feel like you have a book in you, I hope this video inspires you and shows you that it is possible. 

Find the video, here.


PS - I'm thinking of compiling my learnings about the book publishing process, writing a book, and launching a best-seller into a short course at some point if there is interest. Send me a note if you would be interested in a course like that at laura@goodtogrowmarketing.ca so that I can gauge interest.


Why I wrote Good to Grow, the book you didn’t know you needed.